Coming Events
Euchre Tournament

February 15th, 2025
5:00 pm
$85.00 per couple includes: Beer, Wine, Pizza, Salad, Lasagna and a lot of FUN!
Sign up now as this will sell out!
5:00- Doors Open
5:45- Social, pizza, lasagna, salad, beer and wine included
6:30-10:00 Euchre time
Be a Sponsor at the 5th Annual Marleh Lehmann
Scholarship Golf Outing
August 9, 2025
Becoming a sponsor at Marleh Lehmann Golf Outing you will get double the advertising. The 18-hole event & 9-hole event will both have all sponsorships displayed.
We would like to thank you for being a sponsor. Our thank you, to you is early access to register, ONE foursome for golf if you would choose to participate day of! You will receive a pre- registration link for the golf outing before we open it up to the public.
We are looking forward to another great event!!
5th Annual Marleh Lehmann
Scholarship Golf Outing
August 9, 2025
Tentative Session ONE Schedule 18-Hole
6:30am Check-in/Bag Drop/Breakfast
7:30am Shot Gun Start 18-holes
12:30pm Finish Golf/Lunch- Food Trucks
12:30 pm Cocktail Hour- Tito’s Bar & Keg Beer (Live Auction, Silent Auction, Live Music
3:30pm- END OF 18 Hole Session!
If you would like to come back for music and dinner you will need to purchase DINNER ONLY for the 9 Hole Session
Session TWO Schedule 9-Hole
12:30pm Check-in/Lunch- Food Trucks
1-3pm Cocktail Hour- Tito’s Bar & Keg Beer (Live Auction, Silent Auction, Live Music)
3:30pm- 9 Hole Shot Gun!
6:30pm- Finish golf, Dinner & Music